Sunday, November 22, 2009




Firstly thanks so much for your words and thoughts, they help more than you know.
On blog rounds I have also been inspired by 31 experiment who is doing a series of posts on gratitude, and ShineaLittleLight's post about thankfulness, which got me onto this super little blog thxthxthx which features a thank you note a day. Like the ones above.
I also read this week that a study found that after writing down things they were grateful for, after a few weeks people were 25% happier. TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT people!
So I have a little red notebook, and I will start a thank you list, a bit like 1000 awesome things, every day write a few more in until I get to one thousand. Every day has things in it that I am thankful for, even if they've happen a thousand times before. Every day is full of things I am thankful for, if I look for them, and I will write them down.
Number one is going to be you.


  1. Eep! Awesome! Sometimes it is so hard to write, but it alwasy leaves me feeling better.

  2. You are ALWAYS full of good ideas. I love that.

  3. Oh sorry I've nothing intelligent to say on my first visit (doubt I will on any to be honest) But the fart note above is so funny, thanks for making me chuckle out loud!
    Sarah x

  4. I am a huge believer in positive thinking :)
    I look forward to having a good look around your blog.
    Thanks for stopping by mine,
    All the best

  5. glad you are doing better and i love the gratitude journal you are starting - what a great idea!

    you might want to check out this site about happiness:
    it's got lots of great info on what makes people happy and it's different for everyone - i like the interviews a lot =-)

  6. It's amazing the difference that writing something down as opposed to just thinking it can make. Love those notes, think it's an awesome idea!
