Monday, August 2, 2010

Just slice me up now

I have been struck down *sweeps back of hand onto forehead in a dramatic fashion* with the flu. A yucky ache-y snotty coughy sneezy moan-y kind of flu.
It's okay, I will not spread any germs. No one will come near me. Apart from the red-nosed coughing and spluttering, it may be the garlic. I have eaten it, drank it, and wore it bound to the soles of my feet. I am exuding garlic from every pore. I feel like I'm turning into a great big bulb. Just slice me up now.
I may not have any friends, but I am feeling a little better today *fingers crossed* and I am safe from all and any unearthly vampire attacks.
Unless it is this vampire from this movie. That would just be unfair.
(edit) no, it's not twilight.


  1. Poor sausage. May the vampire in question be distracted by healthy victim times and not those with the hacking cough, snot, smelly pores, having-a-bad-day-already types.

  2. Oh I hope you're feeling better soon! Try some tea with lots of lemon, fresh ginger slices, and honey. Snuggle up and rest!

