Friday, January 7, 2011

blog love- brunette bombshell

This is a blog I found recently, on one of those random link-clicking trips in blog land that happen when something looks interesting, then something else look captivating, which leads to something extraordinary.

It is a very nice blog, about a brunette (bet you saw that coming) and her vespa dreams, and journey to become a healthier and stronger lass, with a nice dollop of gorgeous writing in between. My favourite ones are the love letters. Read them from the early ones. Sigh.
She has a way of articulating heartbreak that makes you feel both completely understood and almost grateful for it, as if it were a poetic necessity to reach the dreams and hope lying just beyond the-part-where-you-can't-breathe. And feeling understood makes it easier to step back and grab a hurt with two hands; to examine it and make sense of it so you can put it down and walk away.

Go Meg, you rock my blog world.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing/i'm on my way to check these out now! happy new year! xo
