Saturday, February 12, 2011

my week in pictures

A visit to an old pub in town with a grand staircase and tiled floors
Holding tiny puppies. So cute.
Laying on my bed as it rains, reading an epic tale and eating popcorn
Making Valentines
Handmade burgers. Even the bun was made from scratch (no I didn't cook it. I just cheered)
Cucumber vines in the vege patch
Hope your week was swell xx


  1. oh, pinning up a cucumber vine is a good idea!
    i should get on it as mine (that are somehow self seeded as i never planted any... birds?) are languishing all over my planter box, taking up a LOT of room and are verging on taking over my basil!
    i love your weekly "week in pictures" post too. you must be so organised ha ha!

  2. Lovely post. Especially like that puppy and the cool lamp/couch combo! :)
