Wednesday, May 26, 2010

snowglobe pincushions

(Please excuse my grubby fingers.)

A while ago I bought some tiny horses and deer from this shop, and this week I turned them into snowglobe pincushions. Because they ought to go together, don't you think? I think they need a shorter name (snow cushion? globe pin?) and I'm still working out the best way to make them, I think my glitter is a little clumpy from the glycerine, and the sealer kinda smudged the glass a bit. I like prototypes though, it's a bit exciting to try new things. I can show you how to make them if you like.
Do you have prototypes? What do you do with them? I'm collecting a bit of a drawer of first-go's and 'oopsies' (or @#%$, depending on the case). I was thinking of using them for a toy drop, but it feels a bit rude to use something I wouldn't sell. And there's a limit to how many I can give to family and friends. Really. Maybe I will chop them up?
Do you remember this prototype? Well I have some real-darn deer to show you, with antlers and everything but I left my camera at a party on the weekend, so I can't. It was a good party.


  1. These absolutely made me smile :) Oh, I have a whole studio full of prototypes begging me to complete them...Shhhh I tell them...quiet down...

  2. Unfortunately for my family, I usually make prototypes as gifts for occasions, so they get them. Is that wrong? Oh poo, I think it is...

    These are great! I'd love a tute!

  3. Wow, these are so cute, great idea!
    Maybe you could do a little giveaway with the oopies, wink wink :)
