Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ooh doesn't this look like fun

A call out for domestic & international artists for an exhibit of emotional plush art.

Artists chosen will be featured in a book that will accompany the show and will be available online and at Art Whino Gallery.

What emotions are we looking for? acceptance, affection, anger, annoyance, anticipation, apathy, anxiety, awe, boredom, compassion, contempt, curiosity, depression, desire, disappointment, disgust, ecstasy, empathy, envy, embarrassment, euphoria, fear, frustration, gratitude, grief, guilt, happiness, hatred, hope, horror, hostility, hysteria, interest, jealousy, joy, loathing, love, pity, pride, rage, regret, remorse, sadness, shame, suffering, surprise, wonder or worry.just to start.

I'm going to go and have a cup of tea and a ponder with a sketch book..

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like one very interesting show. Gets the mind ticking straight away. Fun.
