Tuesday, February 3, 2009


My housemate has a theory, I think it may be from a book or books she read and her own thoughts.. what if dreams are connected in another space. I have vivid and strange dreams. My last three in no particular order involved

1. Escaping an attic by parachuting off a cliff into the ocean with a man whose beanie was full of diamonds. They diamonds kept falling out and I would pick them up and slip them in my shoe. I was also pregnant (with twins) and part of a group of people hiding and turning off light switches.
2. I lived in a big house but it was falling down, and as I ran around propping up the walls with bricks, the neighbour kept poking his head through holes in the walls and lighting them on fire with giant matchsticks. I think it also featured a large crocodile. (Freud would have fun with that one)
3. I was a middle aged man escaping from soldiers and trying to get back to my 9 yr old daughter. Being continually found was exasperating, so i decided to fly, and could turn myself invisible except for my feet.
So say that last one, while I was dreaming of being a father that night, somewhere else someone was dreaming of being a nine year old girl. Our dreams interweave like another dimension, and play off each other. weird thought.
I met my husband in a dream. I don’t know how I knew it but I saw him, across from me as I sat in a group around a campfire, and knew he was the one for me. I wonder now if he had the same dream. I remember vaguely what he looked like, and I wonder if I'll know when I meet him.

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