Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm a sucker

I am finally opening my own etsy store (yay!)
I opened an account long ago, and it has been patiently waiting for me to be inspired. Or be drastically in need of funds to consider selling the surplus of crafty creations piled in drawers and under the bed for beer money. And so, as we speak, little elves are hanging signs and arranging monsters on shelves, polishing the till and the windows, all ready for the big moment, the GRAND OPENING.

It’s all because this week, in a sporadic brain freeze I spent the most money I've ever spent on a body scrub. The lady was so darn nice. You know they are so exceptionally convincing and chat away all friendly like until you feel like it would be just.damn.rude. to walk away empty handed (although part of my brain is fully aware it is their job). And so I walk away with body scrub in triple figures. I kid you not. My skin IS very soft.. For a time last year I was supporting three charities at once with monthly donations because I couldn't say no to the young energetic hippies that leap into your path on the street with disturbing photos and a ready spiel.
And so, every time I feel the urge to, say, go out for a beer, or dinner, and cannot due to extreme lack of funds; I rub my skin and chant 'so soft! sooo soft!' and get back to work on my etsy store. Very exciting actually with banners and fonts and ‘oooh what shall I make next?’ thoughts. Will post and let you know of course when it is ready to rock’n’roll!
New Year’s Resolution #25
Must not give money to people for things I neither need nor afford just because they are nice.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you're a crack up shazza! I will most definetly be buying something from your store. Rachael's monster is a little lonely...
