Tuesday, April 19, 2011

new meme- quote tuesday

I collect quotes in an old handbound book. I love to read them when I'm feeling uncertain or heavy with the world. They make me laugh, expand my thoughts and inspire me. I collect all kinds, some from books, some from movies or tv. shows, from historical figures, or something funny my friend said last week. I'd like to share some of my favourites.

Every Tuesday I'll post one of my favourites with a photo. Do add your name if you join in - post a quote that makes you smile, or cry, or see the world differently, or got you through a hard time. That would be lovely.


  1. I love quotes too and I have quite a collection of them. I've wanted to create a book of my favorite quotes and illustrate them with little drawings or collages to use as a daily inspiration tool...I may start working on that now with your inspiring weekly quote sharing!

    I'll try to post one tomorrow and ad my link - it's still Monday as I'm writing this!!

  2. Wow, this John Green character is a smart one. So, so true.
