1 a. To exhale audibly in a long deep breath, as in weariness or relief.
1 b. To emit a similar sound: willows sighing in the wind.
2. To feel longing or grief; yearn: sighing for their lost youth.
1. To express with or as if with an audible exhalation.
2. Archaic To lament.
The act or sound of sighing.
Influence on nearby people
It is generally admitted that if one person sighs, surrounding people will soon feel the need to sigh as well. Many people claim that they can feel this wish to sigh without actually hearing or seeing the other person sighing, something that modern science finds difficult to prove.
It is generally admitted that if one person sighs, surrounding people will soon feel the need to sigh as well. Many people claim that they can feel this wish to sigh without actually hearing or seeing the other person sighing, something that modern science finds difficult to prove.
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