Friday, January 30, 2009


I am up late, with a glass of wine. but that's ok, tomorow I will laze in bed until I feel like getting up. and I can always change my mind and go back to bed. i will soak that up, because I'm sure I can't spend every saturday like that stretching into my life.
Tonight we had some friends over for dinner, 8 girls in all, eating and drinking and talking and laughing. Happy days.

Every day this week, as I pass the front gate, i've stopped and chomped on sweet little cherry tomatoes that warm in the sun and burst on your tongue like little goodnessess.

I am sleepy. And feeling kind of melancholy. The weekend lies ahead, I think we have an understanding. Many thoughts bubbling in my mind, yet blank. Many things to do, but don't feel like anything. Many loves in my life, yet none. Yep, did I say I was feeling melancholy? Time for bed and snuggles with John Steinbeck me thinks.

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